Keeping up with regular, routine maintenance on your heating system can save you big money in the long run, saving money due to untimely repairs, as well as save money on your monthly electric bill. Professional heating maintenance can also prevent future damage and the need for future repair on your heating unit. Ultimately, keeping up with the regular scheduled maintenance will extend the life of your existing unit, saving you money. Maintenance on a heating system will often include inspecting the outdoor unit, clearing all dirt, debris, & leaves, interfering with the performance of your home heating unit. Inspecting the fans, the blades, the motor, and cleaning all coils in the heating unit. That is just a few things we check on the outdoor unit, the indoor heating maintenance will include lubricating the motor & replacing the fan belt if it has been damaged. Replacing dirty air filters, inspect the duct work, unclog drain pan and much more. As you can tell their are many things to check and maintain when keeping up your heating system, which is why many people prefer professionals to handle their heating maintenance.